How to balance the Emotional awareness and rational knowledge, that is a problems in the music listening lesson. That's a key for access. 音乐欣赏课存在着如何把握好情感体验和理性认识的关系问题,两者的关系如何处理好,是音乐欣赏课获得良好收益的关键。
So do you get a feeling that most doctors were listening to your lecture understand the key message of your lecture? 你觉得听你讲座的大部分医生理解到了你所讲内容的精髓了吗?
Listening to someone's story costs less than expensive diagnostic testing but is key to healing and diagnosis. 去听别人讲故事比进行昂贵的诊断测试成本低得多,但它却是治疗和诊断的关键。
Listening comprehension is the key to the command of any foreign language. That's one of the reasons why it is so difficult to learn on your own. 外语支配能力的关键是听力理解。这是为什么听力自学非常困难的原因之一。
Effective listening and empathy are other key elements to healthy communication styles. 有效倾听和同情是健康的沟通方式等关键要素。
Listening with an open mind to criticism from different quarters and accepting useful advice are the key to constant progress and improvement. 虚心倾听各方面的批评,接受有益的意见,常常是艺术家不断进步、不断提高的动力。
Listening comprehension and pronunciation is key to conversational English. 听力理解和发音是英语会话的关键。
Speech Recognition in Listening& the Key to Understanding English News Broadcasting On Thematic Structure, Information Structure and Listening Discourse Comprehension 听音辨形&英语现场新闻听力理解的先决条件主位结构、信息结构与听力语篇理解
When you're listening, you should still focus on the key words. 集中注意力,不一定要听懂每个句子,但要抓出关键词句。
Listening is an important means to obtain information and it is also the key to improve one's language communicative ability. 听是人类获得信息的重要手段,也是提高其语言交际能力的中心环节。
Good reading and listening is the key to learning English 善读会听是学好英语的关键
For ensuring the quality of the listening teaching, English basic skills are the base, the rationality and variety of the choice of language materials are the key, the communication and mixture of culture are the lubrication. 英语的基本功、语言材料选择及文化的沟通与融合构成影响听力教学质量的三个主要因素。
This paper views that dictation is of great importance in the teaching of English listening and writing. It points out that dictation practice is the key process in English teaching that all teachers of English should not neglect. 本文阐述了听写的重要性,尤其对于听力教学和英语写作教学的重要意义,强调指出听写练习是英语教学的重要环节,应引起英语教师的重视。
Listening is one of the five basic skills of English learning, a key aspect in English teaching and a better way to grasp English. 听是英语学习的五项基本技能中之一,是英语教学的一个重要方面,是掌握英语的必由之路;
As the primary means of language input, listening plays a key role in the perception and learning of language. Listening is regarded as an important means as well as the main purpose of language learning. 听力是语言输入的主要途径之一,也是学生感知语言和学习语言的重要途径,它既是语言学习的手段,也是语言学习的目的。
Good Listening Skill is the Key to Piano Practice and Works Manifestation 良好的听觉是钢琴练习及作品表现的关键
This paper discusses transactional listening comprehension in foreign language teaching from the perspective of dynamic context to show that improving the ability of dynamic inference is the key to improve the ability of listening comprehension. 文章从关联理论的动态语境观角度探讨外语教学中的传达式听力理解,说明提高语境的动态推理能力是外语听力水平提高的关键。
Listening plays a key role both in daily communication and in foreign language learning. It is also the necessary skill for English as Foreign Language ( EFL) students to master. 听力在日常交际和英语教学中占有十分重要的地位,也是英语学习者必须要掌握的技能。
In five language skills, "listening" is most important. Therefore, to improve the students 'ability of foreign language communication, the key is to improve the level of listening teaching. 在五大语言技能中,听的地位最为重要,因此要提高学习者外语交流能力,关键是要提高听力教学水平。
Listening comprehension ability plays a very important part in improving students 'comprehensive language competence in English learning, moreover, listening test is indispensable in key examinations such as high school entrance examination and college entrance examination. 英语听力理解能力的提高对学生英语水平的整体提高有着至关重要的作用。而且,听力测试也是中考、高考等大型英语考试的必考内容。
Listening comprehension plays a key role in verbal communication which determines that it becomes the research object of many disciplines. 听力理解在言语交际中扮演着关键的角色,这一重要性使其为很多学科的研究对象。
As a primary means of language input, listening plays a key role in the perception and learning of language. Listening is regarded as the most important skill among the four basic skills. 听力,作为语言输入的主要途径,也是学生感知语言和学习语言的重要途径,在英语听、说、读、写四项基本技能中,处于其它技能之首。
However, vocational college students find it difficult to learn English, and even feel fed up with English. Therefore, improving students 'listening ability plays a key role in enhancing their overall language ability and learning interests. 而高职学生对英语学习深感困难,甚至厌恶,故提高高职学生的听力水平对提高他们的整体英语语言能力和学习兴趣起着关键作用。
Therefore, the researcher designs a 14-week listening strategy training process among the experimental group, five listening strategies are included, selective attention, inferencing, elaboration, note-taking and key words. 为此,作者对实验组进行了为期十四周的听力策略的培训,包括有选择性注意、推理、拓展、记笔记和关键词。
That is because listening is a key way of receiving language information in our daily life. 这是因为听是我们日常获取语言信息的主要途径。